¿Cómo doblar la copa menstrual?

Knowing how to fold the menstrual cup is the first step to having a perfect experience. Many of you look at us with a look of astonishment when you see the diameter of the cup and tell us that it is impossible for "that" to fit "in there", but of course it does. You just have to know what are the best ways to fold the menstrual cup so that it fits perfectly to your vagina.

Today we are going to show you the easiest ways to fold the menstrual cup and, at the end of the post, you have a video with all the information and with our little hands folding the cup.

Remember that to insert the cup you can wet it with a little water and this way it will slip more. Get into a comfortable position (the same one you used when putting in a tampon), breathe and... voila!

Pay attention to the drawings because we are going to explain them to you:

fold menstrual cup

Half Moon

Fold the menstrual cup in half into a C shape . To place it, hold the cup from above and lower your fingers as you place it inside your vagina. It's our favorite way because it opens super easy!


Fold one side of the menstrual cup inward into a V shape . To place it, hold the cup from below, pressing the fold as you insert it. It's perfect for beginners because the top is very narrow!

Spring Roll

Fold the menstrual cup on itself in a spiral shape . To place it, hold the cup at the top and hold the base with the other hand. It's the most similar to a tampon!

In this video we show you our tricks for folding the menstrual cup and we give you one more!

Now you just have to learn how to put on the menstrual cup, check out all the tricks if this is your first time using it .

Do you dare to switch to the menstrual cup? We have a 5% DISCOUNT for you!





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