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How to remove the bad smell from my menstrual cup

We've gotten this question more than once: my menstrual cup smells bad! How do I remove the bad smell from my menstrual cup? If this has also happened to you during your last period despite having cleaned your menstrual cup as usual, don't worry because there is a solution.

The menstrual cup made of 100% medical silicone , like our GlupCup cup, should not smell like anything because it does not contain toxic materials as happens with tampons or pads. In fact, we are all surprised the first time we smell our menstrual blood after using the cup because it doesn't smell bad, it smells like iron! If you have located this smell and you have seen that it has changed, something is wrong and we are going to explain the possible causes.

Why does my menstrual cup smell bad?

"I have used the menstrual cup for more than 12 hours straight." Skipping basic hygiene rules, such as knowing how many hours I can use the menstrual cup without having to take it off, is a clear indicator that we are doing something wrong. If you use the menstrual cup for 13 hours or more, in addition to being bad for your health, it will affect the smell of your menstrual cup.

"I don't clean my menstrual cup with water when I change it." Another mistake that, although rare, happens on occasion. It is very important to rinse the cup with water whenever you empty it and before putting it back on. When we remove the remains of blood from the cup, we see that it rots when it comes into contact with oxygen from the outside.

"I keep my menstrual cup in a plastic container." The menstrual cup must always be stored in a breathable fabric bag so that it is kept in perfect condition, like the one we deliver with each GlupCup cup.

Possible vaginal infection . The smell of our menstrual blood can give us clues about our vaginal health and if it is very strong we should go to a gynecologist for a check-up.

The trick to remove the bad smell from the menstrual cup

If you want to remove the bad smell from your menstrual cup, leave it overnight in a glass of hydrogen peroxide , and you will see how it disappears! Of course, do this only once a year if you don't want your glass to spoil.

At GlupCup! We provide a foldable sterilizer to boil the menstrual cup if we do not want to use a glass or saucepan that you can also use for hydrogen peroxide. Buy our GlupCup folding sterilizer!

If you prefer a more "natural" method, you can leave your glass on a window for a day so that the air can purify it.

Remember to read our tips on " How to clean the menstrual cup " and " How to sterilize the menstrual cup ".

My menstrual cup has yellow stains!

The useful life of a well-preserved menstrual cup is about 10 years, but for that we must follow all the hygiene tips mentioned above.

Although we must always keep in mind that the color of our menstrual cup will change over time, above all we will see that it tends to dye yellow or brown. This does not mean that our cup is dirty or unusable, it is simply the process of blood pigmentation that darkens it.

clean menstrual cup brown stain

If you want to whiten your cup so that it recovers its initial color, just clean the menstrual cup with hydrogen peroxide : leave it overnight in a glass with hydrogen peroxide, you will see how it looks like it was just purchased! Of course, do this only once a year if you don't want your glass to spoil.

If you don't know how to clean the holes of the menstrual cup and make them look like new, you can use an interdental cleaner once a month.

Do you dare to switch to the menstrual cup? We have a 5% DISCOUNT for you!





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