copa menstrual método anticonceptivo

The menstrual cup is not a contraceptive method

No, we cannot use the menstrual cup as a contraceptive method because it is an intimate hygiene product and, therefore, its functions have little to do with avoiding pregnancy or protecting us against possible sexually transmitted diseases. It is important that we have all the information possible in our possession whether we use contraceptive methods or not to avoid scares.

EYE! The menstrual cup allows the passage of sperm despite the vacuum effect that occurs inside our vagina.

Below we will tell you why the menstrual cup does not serve as a contraceptive while we review the most used ones and the precautions you should take depending on the method you use . Remember that you should always consult a doctor if you have any questions or alterations in your menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cup and the IUD

The intrauterine device or IUD is a contraceptive method located inside the uterus and is handled only by a gynecologist, both at the time of placement and removal. It is T-shaped and from its lower end there are threads that cross your cervix and are exposed inside the vagina (if you don't know the function of the cervix, read this post , you will understand many things!). These threads are the cause of the eternal question: Can I use the menstrual cup and the IUD at the same time?

IUD menstrual cup

The answer is yes, the menstrual cup and the IUD are compatible and can be inserted at the same time , but certain precautions must be taken. If you are a user of this contraceptive, you should know that the vagina needs an adaptation time of at least 6 or 8 weeks since the IUD can move or be expelled naturally. Once that period has passed, you can start using the menstrual cup and the IUD at the same time.

The most important thing to avoid having problems when using the menstrual cup is to know the inside of your vagina very well . As we told you before, the placement of the cervix is ​​very important in this case, since this will determine how much the IUD threads will protrude (as seen in the image ). When placing the menstrual cup you must pay special attention to these threads and always leave them centered on the inside of the cup (check that they are not on one side by running a finger around it).

When you are going to remove the menstrual cup you must be careful not to pull on the IUD strings and move it. To do this, make sure to only press the lower part of the menstrual cup, this way you will break the vacuum without touching the threads. This is the main reason why women have problems using the menstrual cup and the IUD at the same time, so you can ask your gynecologist to cut the threads a little and thus prevent them from coming into contact with the menstrual cup.

From GlupCup! We recommend that you make periodic visits to your trusted gynecologist to check the IUD and place its threads.

The menstrual cup and the contraceptive ring

The vaginal ring is a long-acting hormonal contraceptive method. It is a flexible plastic ring, about 5 cm. in diameter that, unlike the IUD, is placed inside the vagina on the first day of the cycle and for 21 consecutive days. After three weeks it is removed and they rest for 7 days, during which menstruation occurs.

This means that the use of the menstrual cup does not usually coincide with the use of the vaginal ring . However, if the bleeding exceeds 7 days, you will have to use the menstrual cup and the vaginal ring at the same time, but don't worry because it is not a problem. Keep in mind that the ring must always be in contact with the vaginal walls, so you must make sure that it does not remain inside the menstrual cup , it has to be placed on top next to the cervix. And be careful when removing it so as not to drag the vaginal ring with it!

The menstrual cup and birth control pills

The pill, as well as other contraceptive methods that do not interfere with the inside of our vagina (known as external contraceptive methods), can be used at the same time as the menstrual cup . There is no danger of expulsion or alteration of their effects, so they act independently .

From GlupCup! We advise against penetrative sex when you are using a menstrual cup, however, there are many ways to feel pleasure. It is also the best pain reliever for period pain!

Now that you know that the menstrual cup is not a contraceptive method, educate yourself and read all our tips for having sex with the menstrual cup in .

contraceptive methods menstrual cup

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