utilizar copa menstrual sin regla

Of course you can use the menstrual cup without having your period! It is the best trick to practice calmly without having to get blood on yourself. For many, this is also the first step before starting to use the menstrual cup for the first time , but there are many more advantages.

This post is very short, but it will solve your most important doubt to convince you.

It does not absorb your vaginal fluid: menstrual cup Vs tampon

This is the only thing you need to know to answer the question we asked: the menstrual cup does not absorb any type of vaginal or menstrual fluid as happens with tampons.

Why is the level of absorption so important? Because if you wear a tampon without having your period, it will absorb everything in its path. The vaginal discharge that lubricates your vagina and protects it will disappear and you will notice how your insides become dry . In fact, it's easy for you to have noticed it on the last day of your period when you don't have as much menstrual flow.

The menstrual cup , on the contrary, is made of medical silicone so its contact with your vaginal discharge does not affect anything. Respects our vaginal flora , allowing it to remain unchanged. Thus we forget about that dry feeling and the irritations that other alternatives cause.

Prevents leaks

One of the tips we gave you in the post on how to avoid leaks in the menstrual cup was to pay attention to the bleeding on the first day of your menstruation. Normally we wait until we get our period to insert the cup, so the blood has already stained our vaginal walls and will not be collected. That blood will end up in our panties and it is easy for us to confuse it with a leak.

To avoid this situation, it is best to start using the cup without a period in advance of its arrival. When we remove it we will see how the blood is already inside the cup without realizing it and without staining anything at all. Isn't that great?!

With the menstrual cup there are no excuses , any sport will be easy and comfortable to practice with it on. In fact, many of our users are athletes and the change they have felt has been incredible. Here we leave you the testimony of one of them. Celia suffered irritation in her groin when she did marathons for hours, since she wore tampons and pads at the same time. With the menstrual cup she has been able to run without worrying about what was happening in her underwear.

    The best way to practice

    We always say it: use your menstrual cup when you don't have your period to be calmer when you really get it. The lubrication when inserting it will be less and will cost you a little more, so we recommend that you wet your menstrual cup with a little cold water so that you can insert it more easily. You will gain skill and have more patience!

    Do you dare to switch to the menstrual cup? We have a 5% DISCOUNT for you!





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    Mi experiencia con la copita a Sido un cambio total a mi vida lo más cómodo sin malos olores ni manchas wooo de verdad que me a funcionado de maravilla, puedo dormir confiada que no manchare mi camita😥 ya que siempre lo hacía y era muy desagradable, hey y me ahorre dos paquetes de toallas sanitarias mensuales 😬 un renta de locura!.
    😍 Viva la copa menstrual !😍


    Realmente es un invento increible ,despues del lavarropas!! Super recomendable,le eh hablado a mi sobrina ,hna y todas las que se me crucen. Voy a convencerlas que es una maravilla.


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